Consumer Information


Arkansas Colleges of Health Education annually distributes to all enrolled students a notice of the availability of institutional and financial aid information. This information is required to be made available to students under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and under Section 485(a)(1), Section 485(f), Section 485(g), Section 485(h) and Section 485(j). Students are sent a notification of the availability of Institutional and Financial Aid Information via e-mail.

The Arkansas Colleges of Health Education is required by federal regulations to designate an employee or group of employees who shall be available to assist enrolled or prospective students in obtaining information regarding: reporting and disclosure of information, financial assistance and institutional information. If you would like to request a paper copy or if you have any questions, please contact either:

Arkansas Colleges of Health Education
Office of Financial Aid
7000 Chad Colley Blvd
Fort Smith, AR 72916
Phone: (479) 308-2209
Fax: (479) 226-8184


Each institution must make available to prospective and enrolled students information regarding how and where to contact individuals designated to assist enrolled or prospective students in obtaining the institutional or financial aid information required to be disclosed under HEA Sec. 485(a). This information is posted on ACHE’s website. Paper copies are available upon request.

Institutional Contact Information
Name: Amanda Bennett – Executive Director of Financial Aid
Office hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Phone number: 479-308-2200
Fax: (479) 226-8184


General Information
Arkansas Colleges of Health Education
7000 Chad Colley Blvd
Fort Smith, AR 72916
Phone: (479) 308-2243
Fax: (479) 308-2266

Phone: (479) 308-2243

Phone: (479) 308-2210

Business Office
Phone: (479) 308-2218

Office of Police & Security
Chief of Police
Phone: (479) 308-2222

Student Housing
Phone: (479) 308-2214


The following list provides a brief description of the information required to be made available as well as the office that is responsible for the information and where the information may be found at:


  • Student Financial Aid Information
    Information regarding financial aid can be found for the Arkansas Colleges of Health Education (ACHE) under the appropriate section for ACHE Financial Aid, which includes the below information:
    • Financial aid assistance programs information can be found in the section for Financial Aid under Types of Aid and in the ACHE Policy Manual.
    • ACHE elects not to not participate in federal student employment at this time.
    • Eligibility requirements, procedures and forms for applying for aid information can be found in the section for Eligibility and Applying for Aid, and the ACHE Policy Manual.
    • Terms and conditions of Title IV, HEA loans.
    • Selection criteria for financial aid eligible recipients and determining award types and amounts is available in the section for Eligibility, Financial Aid Awards and Loans.
    • Terms and conditions of Title IV, HEA loans are provided in Estimated Financial Aid Offers to eligible financial aid recipients and is also available at


  •  Student Rights and Responsibilities
      • Information about students rights and responsibilities receiving Title IV, HEA student financial aid, including criteria for continued student eligibility and standards for satisfactory academic progress is available in the section for Student Rights and Responsibilities and also available at
      • Direct Loan Entrance Counseling
        • Information about Direct Loan Entrance Counseling is available in the section for Loans and is also available at Entrance counseling is required for first-time borrowers at ACHE as a graduate/professional student prior to disbursement.
      • Federal Loan Exit Counseling is available in the section for Loans and is also available at Exit counseling is required to be completed by federal student loan borrowers shortly before or within 30 days of graduation, withdrawal or dropping below half-time enrollment.
  • Price of Attendance
    Information regarding the cost of attendance, which is an estimate of tuition and fees, room and board, transportation and other costs for a program of study can be found in the section for Cost of Attendance. Professional judgement for exceptional allowable costs based upon acceptable documentation may be used at the discretion of the Office of Financial Aid and will be notated in a student’s student account. Tuition, fee and housing charges is managed by the Business Office for which information can be found at, ACHE Policy Manual, and in the appropriate Student Handbooks for individual programs.


  •  Textbook & Supplemental Materials Information – To Be Determined
    • The Arkansas Colleges of Health Education has determined it is not practicable to disclose pricing information for both required and recommended textbook and supplemental materials information as students do not pre-register or register for classes online and ACHE does not operate a bookstore.
  • Return of Title IV
    Information regarding Return of Title IV Calculation that will be done by the Office of Financial Aid if a federal student aid recipient withdraws after they have begun attendance can be found in the section for Return of Title IV and in the ACHE Policy Manual.



  • College Navigator Listing
    Information for Consumer Information for ACHE is on College Navigator.


  • National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)
    Information about your federal student loans will be reported to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), which you may access at by logging in with your FSA verified ID and password.


  • Voter Registration
    Information about voter registration can be found in the section for Voter Registration.


  • Private Education Loan Disclosures
    Information about private education loans, private education loan applicant self-certification form and the information needed to complete the form can be found in the section for Loans.


  • Financial Aid Code of Conduct
    Information regarding the Financial Aid Code of Conduct can be found in the section for Financial Aid.


  • College Financing Plan
    The College Financing Plan is made available to students who have been awarded financial aid, which can be viewed in ‘Financial Aid’ of My Finances accessed by logging into ACHE Connect.


  • Principles of Excellence for Educational Institutions Serving Service Members, Veterans, Spouses and Other Family Members
    ACHE is not required to participate in and elects at this time not to participate with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Principles of Excellence.
  • Checkout Procedures for Student Dismissal, Withdrawal, or Leave of Absence
    Information involving the appropriate checkout procedures for withdrawing from school are listed in the ACHE Policy Manual and the appropriate programmatic student handbook.
  • Constitution and Citizenship Day
    Information to commemorate the signing of the U.S. Constitution that occurred on September 17, 1787 can be found on Constitution and Citizenship Day.
  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse and Prevention Training for Students
    At Arkansas Colleges of Health Education, we believe in the importance of creating a safe and healthy environment for all of our community members. To that end, we have partnered with Vector to provide trainings that will help us all be informed on topics vital to achieving our goal. These trainings, in addition to being highly interactive and engaging, are based in research around the best practices for healthy communities. ACHE offers on-line training modules to all ACHE students, which specifically address drug and alcohol use, abuse, and prevention. Training is offered annually and required of all students. Additional information, including resources and referrals, can be found in the Office of Student Affairs; 479.308.2200;
  • Facilities and Services Available to Students with Disabilities
    Information regarding the facilities and services available to students with disabilities, including students with intellectual disabilities can be found in the ACHE Student Handbook and ACHE Policy Manual.






  • Accreditation, Approval, and Licensure of Institution and Programs
    Information can be found at regarding accreditation, approval, and licensure of ACHE and its programs can be found in the ACHE Student Handbook and appropriate programmatic student handbook and programmatic website, which contains the following information


    • Associations, Agencies or Governmental Bodies that accredit, approve, or license the institution and its programs
    • Procedures for obtaining or reviewing documents describing accreditation, approval, or licensing


  • State Certification
    Information regarding state certification by the Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board (AHECB) for the Arkansas Colleges of Health Education programs can be found in the ACHE Student Handbook and appropriate programmatic student handbook.


  • Gainful Employment Disclosures
    ACHE is not required to provide Gainful Employment Disclosures to prospective or current students as ACHE only offers graduate or first-professional degrees.


  • Net Price Calculator
    ACHE is not required to have a net price calculator and elects to not provide one as we only enroll graduate/professional students and do not enroll full-time, first-time undergraduate students.



  • Placement & Retention Rate Disclosures
    • Placement of and Types of Employment
      Information about placement and types of employment if available will be found for the MSB program at Our Program, and the DO program at COMLEX Performance.
    • Student Completion, Graduation, Transfer, Retention and Placement Rates
      ACHE does not participate in student athletics. enrolls graduate/professional students only and therefore is not required to provide student completion, graduation, transfer, retention and placement rates.
    • Types of Graduate and Professional Education
      ACHE offers graduate or first-professional degrees only, which is generally considered a terminal degree in that field. As a result of this, most students end with these degrees and do not progress to other programs.


  • Safety and Security
    Information regarding Safety and Security may be found in the Office of Police and Security and on the website under Safety and Security, which contains information regarding:
    • AR Victims Rights
    • Annual Safety Report
    • Crime Log
    • Emergency Action Plan
    • Fire Log
    • Operation of Vehicles & Bicycles
    • Parking Permit
    • Safety Resources & Tips
    • Violence Safety Plan