Constitution and Citizenship Day

Constitution and Citizenship Day is observed to commemorate the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787. It is a requirement by Congress for all educational institutions receiving federal funding to provide an educational program to their students on this day each year. To celebrate, the ACHE Office of Financial Aid holds an educational program for students and employees on September 17th or the Friday before if the 17th falls on a weekend or holiday. The event typically includes the Constitution and Citizenship Day table with pocket constitution books, voter registration forms, and snacks available.

Virtual promotion of this event was provided to employees and students through the monitors on campus and to students through the Pulse. In addition to this event, students have a chance to play trivia to win prizes.

Below are various informational web resources but please note we do not endorse any specific program or website: 

Additional Event Information


  • Tuesday, September 17, student volunteers distributed cookies, pocket constitutions, Arkansas Voter Registration Forms, and patriotic stickers in the Parker Atrium and Student Commons between 12 P.M. and 1 P.M. Students were also encouraged to enter into a drawing for the chance to win multiple prizes.  


  • Friday, September 15, student volunteers distributed free pocket constitutions, Arkansas Voter Registration Forms, and patriotic stickers in the Parker Atrium from noon until 1 P.M. Photos from the event and a video of ACHE students eloquently reciting the Preamble was posted later that afternoon in the Pulse.


  • Tuesday, September 13, the winner of the Trivia game was presented with a $25 gift card as a prize.
  • Friday, September 16, a student organization distributed cookies in the Parker Atrium and Student Commons between 12 P.M. and 1 P.M. Two individuals were also selected to receive $10 gift cards, having been identified as the winners of specially marked pocket Constitution books.


  • Friday, September 17, a student organization distributed cookies and candy, while United States trivia was played at noon. Three top scorers were awarded gift cards as prizes.


  • Thursday, September 17, a student organization monitored a table offering flag-stickered candy, free pocket constitutions, and Arkansas Voter Registration Forms as part of Constitution and Citizenship Day celebrations.


  • Monday, September 14 through Friday, September 18, , a table offering free pocket constitutions and Arkansas Voter Registration Forms was made available in the atrium, with the Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) also distributing these items.
  • Thursday, September 17, students were invited to the Parker Atrium at 11:50 AM for a special appearance by a George Washington reenactment and to receive free pocket constitutions and Arkansas Voter Registration Forms.


  • Monday, September 17, students were invited to the Parker Atrium at 11:50 A.M. to pick up a free pocket Constitution book and Arkansas Voter Registration Form, as well as to observe a George Washington reenactment.


  • Monday, September 18, all 162 ARCOM students were invited to the Parker Atrium at 1:50 P.M. to receive complementary pocket constitutions and Arkansas Voter Registration Forms. The event also included a George Washington reenactment, featuring a recitation of the Preamble and presentations of selected quotes from the Founding Fathers, as well as sections of the Constitution, for the benefit of those in attendance.