ACHE Student ADA Accommodations Requests

Disability Documentation

Sources of information used to determine a student’s disability and/or accommodations include student’s self-report and third-party documentation from qualified evaluators or professionals. ACHE ADA Coordinators review all documentation and accommodation requests on an individualized, case-by-case basis. All relevant information is considered.

Student Self-Report

Students must complete the ACHE ADA Accommodation Request Form, which provides an opportunity to describe his or her condition(s) that substantially limits some academic activity and the requested reasonable accommodation(s). According to the ACHE ADA Accommodations Policy, students must include documentation in support of reasonable accommodations with the completed ACHE ADA Accomodation Request Form. Students may include information about their experiences related to their disability, the challenges or barriers encountered, and/or previous accommodations.

Third-Party Documentation

Disability-related documentation should provide information on the educational impact of the condition to determine appropriate accommodations. Documentation may include assessments, reports, and/or letters from qualified evaluators, professionals, or institutions. Common sources of documentation include, but are not limited to: health care providers, psychologists, diagnosticians, and/or information from a previous school (e.g., accommodation agreements/letters, Individualized Education Plan (IEP), and/or Section 504 Plan).

Required Documentation Elements

  1. Valid and current (within the past 12 months)
  2. Diagnostic or evaluation reports with specific test results or clinical observations supporting recommendations
  3. Obtained from a trained qualified professional working in the area being assessed (able to diagnose the condition) that is not employed by ACHE
  4. Presented on clinic letterhead, dated, and signed by a qualified professional
  5. Identify any disabilities or conditions that substantially limit one or more academic activities
  6. Describe the educational impact caused by the identified condition(s)
  7. Relevant information regarding severity or prognosis
  8. Include frequency and duration of active symptoms (if cyclical in nature)
  9. List any relevant side effects of medication and/or treatment
  10. Recommended accommodations stated as specifically as possible (example: exam time should be extended by 50%; not simply exam time should be extended).

The Student Verification of Disability Form, to be completed by the qualified professional managing the student’s care, may be submitted as documentation in lieu of a diagnostic or evaluation report and other supporting documentation. 


Obtaining reasonable accommodation is an interactive process that requires active student participation. Students seeking accommodations are encouraged to communicate regularly with ACHE ADA Coordinators. All grievances concerning any aspect of the services or accommodations provided to a student with a disability will be referred to the ACHE ADA Accommodations Grievance Committee.

Accommodations on State Examinations

Students seeking accommodations for licensure exams must compile and complete an application with each testing organization.

ACHE will support the application process by providing the testing organization with the accommodations that you received while a student at ACHE.

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine 


The NBOME provides reasonable and appropriate accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act for candidates taking NBOME examinations who provide the required documentation substantiating that they are a person with a disability.

Students can submit requests for reasonable accommodation upon successful completion of their first year. The time for approval may exceed six months from the date of the first request.

Students are advised not to purchase or schedule an examination until the decision letter has been received as accommodations cannot be attached to currently scheduled examinations.

According to the ARCOM Student Handbook & Clinical Training Manual, “Students will not be allowed to begin their first in-person clinical rotation until they have taken COMLEX-USA Level 1 and will not be allowed to continue with rotations until they have passed COMLEX-USA Level 1.

 Visit NBOME’s Test Accommodations page for instructions and more information.

Doctor of Physical Therapy

National Physical Therapy Examination

Visit the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy’s website for more instructions and information. 

Arkansas Applicants must apply for accommodations with the State of Arkansas using this website for information and the application.

Arkansas State Board of Physical Therapy – Arkansas Department of Health

Doctor of Occupational Therapy


Visit NBCOT’s Testing Accommodations page for instructions and more information.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the accommodations process or documentation guidelines, please contact us at or 479-308-2300.