
Give to Research Endeavors

An Environment of Discovery

The development of research programs serves as part of our mission. Every day, dedicated faculty, staff and students create and apply knowledge as they work to provide solutions to some of the world’s most pressing health problems.

Our experienced faculty drive efforts towards finding solutions  while advancing medicine and science.

Participation in the research process enables students to develop additional knowledge and critical-thinking skills that may result in improved patient care. It also continues the lifelong learning process for faculty as mentors.

Would you like to make a difference by supporting research?

Due to our growth in both students and research faculty, a major project for the college in 2020 will be the build-out of an additional 3,000 square-feet in the Research Suite, plus the needed equipment for those new lab areas.

Today, right here in our community, you can support medical research that is advancing medical knowledge; you can support research that is enhancing student doctor education and is improving patient care, today and in the future.