The Arkansas Colleges of Health Education Continue to Operate as Scheduled.

ACHE has modified the travel restriction with travel and guest reporting still required. Students, faculty, staff have returned to campus with safety precautions in place as outlined in the ACHE Response Plan located on ACHE’s COVID-19 dashboard.

All persons visiting the ACHE campus will follow safety precautions while on campus and are strongly advised to review CDC guidance in considering their travels to campus.

Please be advised of the revised COVID-19 Protocols located in the Campus Updates & Links of the COVID-19 Dashboard.

ACHE will continually assess conditions with guidance from national and local authorities regarding campus protocols and travel restrictions. Please see below for our current COVID-19 case information:

  • Confirmed definitive positive COVID-19 cases on campus:  2
  • On campus in quarantine: 8
  • Cumulative recovered definitive positive COVID-19 cases: 57

Confirmed definitive positive indicates the individual has tested positive for COVID-19 and is currently in quarantine. In quarantine indicates the individual has been advised to remain in quarantine due to potential exposure to a confirmed or presumed positive COVID-19 case. Possible exposure may have occurred on campus or off campus where the individual was within six feet for a minimum of 15 minutes of a confirmed definitive positive COVID-19 person. Each case is reviewed individually regarding potential exposure that happens on ACHE main campus. Cumulative recovered positive COVID-19 cases are those individuals who have tested positive and recovered since March 2020.

Please continue to visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and this website for updates.