ACHE Affiliation Agreements

Affiliation Agreements are established between an undergraduate institution and the Arkansas Colleges of Health Education. While these agreements vary from institution to institution, they provide a pathway for applicants interested in pursuing education in the healthcare professions.
See our list of current affiliation agreement partners below!
Alcorn State University
Arkansas Tech University
Dillard University
Fort Valley State University
Huston-Tillotson University
Lyon College
Mississippi Valley State University
Ouachita Baptist University
Philander Smith College
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Stillman College
Talladega College
University of Arkansas Monticello
University of Arkansas Fort Smith
University of the Ozarks
Please contact the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Dr. Christopher Smith at for more detail on what the agreement provides applicants or to inquire about creating an agreement with your institution.